Lisbon’s Great Earthquake
On August 26, 2024, a 5.4 magnitude earthquake struck near Lisbon, Portugal, stirring historical fears of seismic activity among locals.
The 2024 earthquake, while moderate, caused minimal damage, but it highlights the region’s vulnerability due to its tectonic positioning between the Eurasian and Nubian plates.
Historical context is crucial, as Lisbon has experienced significant earthquakes, notably the catastrophic 1755 quake, which coincided with a religious holiday and resulted in devastating fires fueled by the whale oil used for lanterns at the time.
The ongoing seismic activity in the region suggests that future earthquakes are likely, reinforcing the need for awareness and preparedness among residents.
βThe video above also explains the lasting impact of the 1755 earthquake on Lisbon’s architecture and cultural identity. It discusses how the disaster reshaped not only the city but also the philosophical outlook of its inhabitants – and how it was seen at the time as God’s wrath on the wicked people.
The reconstruction efforts led by Marquis de Pombal are highlighted as pivotal in transforming Lisbon into a modern city – which was made possible only because of the extremt devastation caused by the earthquake and ensuring tsunami 70 minutes later.
So the next time you are in Lisboa, make a point to appreciate the beauty of Lisbon.
Because there is another earthquake coming, Lisbon. So Lisbonners, be aware and prepared for future seismic events.
If you have the opportunity, check out the Quake Museum in downtown Lisbon.